April 13, 2014

Blue Jean Baby, LA Lady

I've always been pretty good at manifesting things into my life, like when I put a vision board together with a picture of the Hollywood sign and 3 weeks later my record label sent me there - totally out of the blue - say whaaaa?! Well, these last few weeks I've been getting a little more serious about it - you know, taking note of what I'm thinking about and seeing where it shows up…

It's usually around this time of the year, as it cools down, when I realise I just don't have enough pairs of jeans. And I always flirt with the idea of blue jeans but always end up with another pair of black?! So, I've had my eye out for a pair of just-the-right-wash blue jeans (I'm super fussy). Anyways, like all the other music-lovin-gypsy-rollers down here in rainy Australia, I've been dreaming a lot about Coachella and how I SO WISH I WAS THERE.

And what should happen? Well, these most incredible Mavi Jeans should enter my life! And what is this most perfect blue denim wash called, you ask? Coachella, of course. Ha! (Double points that even though I'm a short-ass, they're actually the right length! Never happens.) So then, as I was in my little cave of crystals this week, making samples for my next collection (YES this harness is arriving very soon) I was super chuffed to see on instagram that a couple of you gorgeous supporters up in the US were planning to wear pieces of my MojoMade Elemental Collection to Coachella! Woo!

So, on this rainy Sunday in Sydney whilst everyone is sleeping in California after the second night of the festival, I know at least a little of my energy made it there through my crystals and technically, in these Mavi's, you could say I was IN Coachella.

Nice to see the universe has a sense of humour.
I think I need to work a little harder on this manifesting thing.

O U T F I T   D E E T S

+ 'Jessy' MAVI Jeans in dark Coachella wash
+ Coolest cardi ever by Free People
+ Crystal Harness made by me and coming soon to my online store
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  1. Yes! Manifesting like a boss lady! Love this whole outfit together. Need to find myself a pair of these jeans to feel like a supermodel, there's only so much 'manifest me into Miranda Kerr' the Universe can reject ha xx Aundrea, www.isabelandi.com

    1. Babe! You'll love these coz they obviously had shorties like us in mind - no cutting and hemming necessary, meaning less reminders we are far from supermodel height. Ha x

  2. so pretty!!! <33


    Super awesome if we could follow each other :)))

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks babe - it's a sample from my next collection :) YAY! xx

  4. These are such beautiful photos! I love the chain ox

  5. Love these jeans! I totally understand, finding the right pair of blue jeans is one of life's little challenges.. I too end up always looking for black ones. The whole outfit is the perfect Coachella get up. Love it xx

  6. Seamstress for band... Perfect look and awesome pics!!


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