Bondi Open Air Cinemas - Photographed by Natalie Leung

I spent pretty much every night last week singing my little heart out at the Bondi Open Air Cinemas.  And stayed each night to watch the movies!
Drive : Good for Gosling-Eye-Candy. Not good if you don't like blood!!
 Towerheist: Surprisingly funny - anyone else notice Ben Stiller talking in a deeper, more serious voice??
 The Ides of March: Yes, double Ryan Gosling! I really dug this movie - made politics a little more Mafia!
 Puss in Boots: OK... It did make me want a cat that could talk like Antonio Banderas though!

Seated under the Australian skies with a cosy blanket, friends, drinks, munching on popcorn and Ben & Jerry's ice-cream (Strawberry Cheesecake Ice-Cream? Yes please!) Not much more you could ask for, especially since I saw Ryan Gosling twice in one week. Hehe.

 The girl with her eye behind the lens from the above images is Natalie Leung, from the blog Lucy and The Runaways. You can see more pictures from her post on the night and check out a cool little giveaway here.


5 peeps said something:

  1. wow seems like it was a lot of fun! and i think you're really cool!

  2. Awesome! I'll definately have to check out some of those gosling movies :P


  3. Great photos! LOL on wanting a cat that speaks like Antonio Banderas :)

    At Number 27

  4. Looks like a great event and great weather. Canberra has had rotten weather! :(

  5. Oh wow this looks like so much fun! I wish they did more outdoor stuff like this in the UK, looks great! ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad


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